Developer Rankings

You can create your own Developer and Github repository rankings, using Github developer activity graph. The GitHub data is public, powered by Open Source Observer. The ranking and reputation compute is permissionless and verifiable, powered by OpenRank. Read more about the developer ranking algorithm here.


Choose Rankings Criteria


Trust-signaling Actions

OpenRank computes on a graph between users and GitHub repos. This involves creating a trust graph, where GitHub users & repos form nodes. Fork (1), Starring (5), Opening an issue (10), Opening a PR (20), PR merging (10), Direct commits (5)


Choose Seed Trust


Seeds are repos which are regarded as the source of reputation to propagate trust down the the recursive trust arcs. Change the default to see difference in Github user/repo ranking results.

The text area accepts seed peers, one peer per line. Each peer gets equal weight (1.0); to use a different weight, put it after the peer name, separated by a comma.

Download all repo names


Choose Seed Strength

Alpha Value

α is a parameter that determines the influence of seed peers’ opinions in ranking other peers in the grap. High alpha value leads to stronger influence of seed peers.

  • Compute takes ~15 mins
  • Turn off memory-saving mode on your browser


The results include rankings for repos and developers